Thursday 2 June 2016

Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot

Namly Estate, 1993-1996

Taken with Minolta XG2 with Vivitar 70-200 mm,

Coronation Walk, 2 March 2019

Owen Road, 9 April 2017

Namly Estate, 2 June 2016

I was out testing my new Nitecore E41 flashlight in the night when I noticed something hanging from under a frond of our coconut tree like a bat-except it was a very bright green color. Was very surprised to recognize a solitary Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot. One of the smallest species of parrot (13 cm). Not commonly seen as often at treetop height and tiny. Strangely the only other time I have seen this species in Singapore was also in my house about 20 years ago.

Singapore Botanic Gardens, 18 July 2021, 1018

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